Most of us have a cabinet full of cleaning products that have let us down. They don’t do the job, or, worse, they’ve added to the original problem. Now you don’t just have stains, you have streaky stains. Or one problem spot has expanded into an eyesore. When people discover Grout-eez, they’re almost afraid to hope and they have lots of questions. Grout-eez is the answer.
Will Grout-eez clean most stains?
Yes! Grout-eez will clean most stains. Grout is just colored cement, and there are some instances where the stains are soaked into the grout so badly they won’t come out, but we find that 95 - 98 percent of the time it removes all stains.
Does Grout-eez work on all different types of tile?
Grout-eez works on ceramic and porcelain tile only. It’s not meant for natural stone. It is an acid-based product. It is a new technology that is made from salt, so it is not nearly as harsh as some products, but you don’t want it to touch any natural stone. Use our Stone-eez for that.

How much Grout-eez do I need to clean my floors?
One bottle of Grout-eez will clean approximately 250 sq ft of tile and grout depending on how big the tiles are and how bad the grout is. To get your square footage, measure the length of the room by the width of the room. If you have 12-inch tiles, you can count them to determine how big your room is.
How long do you leave Grout-eez on the grout lines?
About five to 10 minutes. It has to dwell; it has to cut through things that are on the grout. Grease and hairspray are the two hardest things to cut through on grout.
How hard do I have to scrub my grout?
You don’t have to scrub hard at all. We recommend our stand-up grout brush which you get free with the two-bottle kit of Grout-eez or Stone-eez. You may have to work a little harder near the stove or refrigerator because that’s where the activity occurs in the kitchen.
Do I need to seal my grout to keep it clean?
You don’t have to, but we recommend it. A grout sealer will keep the dirty water or any stains from penetrating the grout. If you spill something, the sealer will suspend that substance and you can wipe it away. Remember to wipe up spills quickly. The longer they sit, the more damage they do.
Grout is lower than tile. When people mop, they are pushing that dirty mop water around. It settles in the lowest point, which is the grout. The water evaporates and leaves the dirt behind. The sealer helps prevent that.

Grout-eez works different because it IS different.
We often hear, “I’ve tried so many different cleaners and none of them work. How is Grout-eez different?” Grout-eez is a two-in-one cleaner. We developed it about 10 years ago for our service business. When we first started, cleaning grout and tile was a two-step process. We’d start with an alkaline cleaner, and then we’d go over it again with an acid cleaner to get rid of any stains that came up out of the grout. Rather than do the work twice, we developed an acid cleaner with a grease cutter built into it. Ours just works better and faster. Within six months of being on Amazon, we earned the Amazon choice badge so we’re their number 1 go-to product. Give us a try!
Count on Clean-eez for rock-solid advice about how to clean your surfaces.
Thanks for using Clean-eez products. Remember to match the cleaner to the type of surface.